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05/13/2005 Archived Entry: "the 13th"

We did lessons in the morning today because Tabitha had a playdate after lunch. Chris arrived home soon after her friend left and we all relaxed for a bit before heading out to Aaron Brothers to look for a frame. Once home again, Chris and I put stuff out by the curb because tomorrow is our annual clean-up Saturday in which anything you put on the curb is taken by the trash company. However, none of the stuff we put out is left as people treat these Saturdays as one big yard sale and go house to house grabbing what they want. Fine with me, it's better than all that stuff ending up in the landfill. We put out good stuff too because we're too lazy to have a real yard sale and some stuff is too big to take to Goodwill. After dinner, teriyaki stif-fry, I went for a power walk around the neighborhood while Daisy slept, Tabitha soaked in the tub and Chris played on the computer. Now I'm going to sing Tabitha's good night song and hop in the shower.

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